Project variables in their original scale into an existing ordination. Used internally.
proj_eigen(x, vectors, center)
A matrix with the original variables used for the ordination as columns, and observations as rows.
A matrix of eigenvector coefficients used to build the ordination.
A vector with the mean values of the original variables used in the ordination.
A 2-margins matrix with the scores on the supplied vector(s).
#' #load data and packages
#perform principal component analysis on tails data
pca <- prcomp(two.d.array(tails$shapes))
#get project shapes in the pca ordination
shapes_mat <- two.d.array(tails$shapes)
newscores <- proj_eigen(x = shapes_mat,
vectors = pca$rotation,
center = pca$center)
#plot and compare
plot(pca$x, pch = 16, col = "gray")
points(newscores, col = "black")
#compute and project species' mean shapes
meanshapes_arr <- expected_shapes(tails$shapes, x = tails$data$species)
meanshapes_mat <- two.d.array(meanshapes_arr)
meanscores <- proj_eigen(x = meanshapes_mat,
vectors = pca$rotation,
center = pca$center)
points(meanscores, pch = 21, bg = "red", cex = 1.5)